Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Car Model

The model was created by Ori Gellman. To me, the car scene is one of the most important part of my thesis. This is the first time when we physically see what the executive order really did to Japanese-Americans.

During this time, those of Japanese decent had two weeks to pack up whatever they wanted in a single suitcase and that was all they could take with them. Because of this, many families had to leave behind everything else that they owned. Many would think that they were able to sell their possessions, but that is not the case. It's possible that friends of the Japanese families would buy or will be given the possessions. However, there were so many greedy men who's desire would make people's lives during the evacuation much much worse. These men/women would offer next to nothing, if any money at all for their possessions. For the most part, so much was stolen and there was nothing we could do about it. As awkward as it sounds, acceptance was the general atmosphere behind 9066.

In my thesis, a "Stranger" comes over to examine the car. Yuri's father walks over to make an offer. However, the Stranger's eyes admire what could be his. "Why pay for something, that'll just be free in a week?" He attempts to steal the car.

My Grandmother didn't really commit the following, however this action was done in reality and she kicked herself for not actually doing it. In my story, while the Stranger is stealing the car, Yuri is seen with a baseball bat and smashes up the car. The idea is that the car is going to be gone no matter what. So if you're going to lose the car...you might as why beat the shit out of it! Many Japanese simply placed the keys under the seat, in the clove compartment or under the mirror; as if saying, "Here, enjoy your car!" I wanted my Grandmother to do what everyone should have done during this time.

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